How Kate Morgan Is Making a Positive Impact in Uganda

Raised in Chicago by her parents – Kate was brought up with Christian values, and was taught from day one that “if you have more than you need, you should take what you need – and give what is left to those who need it more”.
Kate is selfless – someone who will always stand up for what is right, she has shown her support for all races and walks of life in countless ways and is full of valuable knowledge and experience, which she uses for the greater good.
Before Covid-19 – Kate was doing all that she could to support the people of Uganda, who have struggled for years on end with shortages of food, water, health care and the simple human needs that we all need – to survive.
She supports multiple organizations – one being the Voluntary Rural Community Empowerment Uganda. (VRCEU) is a Christian registered charity organization. It is a community organization that is working in the Bukedea District in the Rural Eastern part of Uganda in Africa, their work covers 7 parishes, 19 villages and over 2431 households.
Kizito and Chris – two incredible people that Kate work with, are making a huge impact within the struggling community – Kizito Moses and Chris live in Uganda, and do a lot of work within the orphanages along with an array of other work to help the children of their area, they are the communication line between where they are – and where Kate is.
Additionally – Kate runs the Church of The Elohist Thelma. Another Christian Organization that is dedicated to raising money for this incredible cause, along with having meetings speaking on other important topics – and readings.
“Covid-19 struck Uganda with horrific force – what was bad, became worse. With shipping delays globally and people worldwide struggling with money, things got even harder.” –she affirms.
Kate and her team have sponsored three planting projects for this reason. Their Ugandan Planting projects are doing very well, and the vegetable they are most focused on growing is beans – as such a flexible and filling ingredient, it is of great importance that there is plenty of it to go around.
Not only has Morgan´s team sponsored planting projects, but also 4 successful reconstructive surgeries for Clubfoot – this is a serious issue in Uganda, and something that is considered a “bad omen”, meaning many families abandon their children if they have this disability. The surgery is needed now more than ever – with the amount of Clubfoot cases continuously rising.
Uganda is in serious need of building facilities that can care for orphaned children who need assistance. Roofing and building material is an urgent need that Kate and her team are currently raising for along with other needs – one of those being funds to provide sanitary pads to young girls, Ugandan girls will miss up to 5 days of school per month when menstruating – adding up to around 25 percent of their school year – this needs to change and is not fair on them.
Morgan´s drive to make the world a better place spans across multiple key initiatives and fields such as medical/health, children orthopedic supplies, orthopedic/clubfoot treatment, child support – which include school fees, school/education supplies, sanitary pads, clothes, children medical supplies, infrastructure, school construction, solar powered boreholes construction, sustainable agriculture, ox-plough supply, new seed supply and education on global warming and re-forestation.
Kate and her team are a leading example to the rest of the world – and the help and joy that they are bringing to the people of Uganda is completely changing their lives.
People like Kate Morgan embody a new generation of positive change makers, her actions inspire others to get involved and lend a hand to those who need it the most, when they need it the most. Who said there was no good news in the world?
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